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The Manhattan Chronicles is a joint effort of Noah Artis and Daniel Hartmann. They’ve put sweat and tears into the book and its series over the course of several years, and are dedicated and passionate to keep at it for many years to come.

Description Of The Manhattan Chronicles: Volume One

“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.” - William Shakespeare

Nathan Fletcher was an ordinary kid in every way, until an event dating back to World War II ripples into his life, changing his destiny forever.

After gaining incredible abilities, and very dissatisfied with his life, he sets out to use them for his own benefit. All of this changes when a mysterious woman approaches him, promising answers.

Caught between what feels right and what is right, he makes a life altering decision and finds himself enlisted in a war for the future of our world.

With his friends and new allies at his side, he learns that no man is an island and decides to work together toward a better future for his loved ones.

The Story Behind the Story

Noah doesn’t remember specifically how it began, but the idea first came to him in his sophomore year of high school. Originally conceived as a screenplay, he began assembling the story and characters, and absorbing all the knowledge of screenwriting that he could. But alas, it wasn’t enough. Only a few months in, Noah hit the dreaded writer’s block; unable to throw the idea away entirely, he decided to put it on the backburner of his mind until a more opportune time. A few years later, while enrolled in the AMTC (Actors, Models, & Talent for Christ) program, he met Daniel, a fellow actor, at a participant reunion, and after a bit of chatting, the two went their separate ways. About a year later, they reconnected on Facebook and became fast friends.

Having worked on a group writing effort, and written a good portion of a fan-fic together, Noah decided to ask Daniel his opinion on his screenplay. After having read it, Daniel, along with a few others, convinced Noah to turn it into a book instead. Shortly after, the two began brainstorming…that was over 4 years ago.

As the two continued to talk, the universe of the story began to expand. Characters evolved, plot points sprang to life, and eventually, it grew so large that they came to realize that it couldn’t be contained in only three books.


Nathan Fletcher:

A reserved but intelligent young man, Nathan has his whole life ahead of him, but is dissatisfied with his present and unsure of his future. Video games and comic books were the core of his childhood, and his interest in them has never died out. He’s naturally a loner, but cares deeply for those he loves.

Daniel Simms:

Best friends with Nathan since second grade, Daniel knows him better than anyone and always strives to cheer up his friends and be there when they need him. He’s quite the athlete, and always has some kind of food with him. (A growing boy needs his strength!)

Jamie Wallers:

Completing the trio in fifth grade, Jamie is extremely caring and always does her best to remain positive. She’s very involved in her subjects, and strives to do what she can to help out in the classroom. To say she’s empathic would be the understatement of the century; she’s often been caught putting herself aside without hesitation to help those around her.

A Short Message from the Authors

To everyone who’s been with us since the beginning, and to everyone who’s joined in our journey along the way, thank you. We couldn’t have done this without your support and patience. We can’t wait to share this fascinating universe with you all and tell what we believe is, truly, an amazing story.

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  • Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
  • Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
  • No pornography
  • Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy

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